Hari syaf.
Tatatatataraaa aku patutnya post bende ni 29/08/16 but then too many obstacles. Hello, 29-08-1999 lahir seorang manusia yg gemok dan sepet matanya, syaf. Taraaaaaaa norsyafina anita. Jenuh mak dia nak lahirkan dia ni. Hahahah dia patut berterima kasih dekat mak dia. Hello kwn i dr form 1 rpt form 2. Definitely dia punch bag aku. Most of people jarang tengok aku marah dan nangis. But she always see it. Bila aku marah aku mcm monster dia jadi bak angel yang mempositip kan aku. Boleh ibaratkan dia ni mcm selalu jd opposite aku. Supaya aku jd natural. Kalau betul musuh utama ialah kawan baik sendiri. Basically dia la sebab dia tahu semua dia tahu semua kelemahan aku and ma secret. Most of my secret dalam tangan dia. Ahhahahaha everyday mesti sembang if tak jumpa or talk to each other it feels quite weird. So I'm not sure how it will happen after spm *cry*. Oh yaaa, dia sentiasa jadi orang setia jadi orang tengah aku. Between aku dgn dia dgn cikgu. Ahahhahah I'm not lying she's annoying to the max (( amil annoying lagi la )). Aku tk leh tipu dia ni everything she will know. Sama ada dia thau sendiri or aku terlepas cakap. Sorry if I could not be the best friend for you. Nah ure not my best friend but ure my family. And yeah ur birthday this year like not as u expected which part aku buat kejutan brithday time exam sapa suruh! Ahhahaha in shaa Allah next year. Thank you sentiasa ada masa susah senang aku. Sentiasa marah aku bila aku buat tak betul. Terima kasih sentiasa di sisi walaupon dicaci maki oleh faqihah. Just stop acah sweet ewwww geliiiii ahahahahhahahahahah. Terima kasih untuk semuanya, naj tulis panjang lagi but is okay let me keep it between me. While we have time for seeing each other, let's appreciate every single time. Oh please jgn kerja ponteng je. Terima kasih sentiasa setia meneman daku pergi library, takrehat semata tunggu aku dan banyak lg. habis sekolah hg jumpa kawan baru hg lupa aku, aku tendang hg! Amil kita ready kan nak tendang dia? Ana pon ready aku rasa hahahahah. And again, happy belated my hates best friend. May Allah ease everything for you. May 9A will be urs and us.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to syaf gedek happy birthday to you.
Pesanan. Syaf, remember, be a good daughter to ur mother. Stop memilih makan and makan. Biar gemok mcm aku. Hahahaha appreciate everyone around u, open ur eyes since ur mata is sepet. Remember after this, we are going to separate we're not going to each other everyday because we are going to be busy to chase our dreams. So, be nice to everyone. Remember dont let ur dreams just a dream. Go and grab it. And remember, friends with everyone. Dont bother about anyone else. Let people hate us, but we shouldn't do the same thing. Why? Because even Allah forgive us. So we have no right to no forgive people. Who are we? Before u love anyone else, love urself. Mcm lagu justin bieber tu ha. Why? Bila kau jatuh, bila orang sekeliling buat kat jatuh, at least kau tak terjejas sebab kau sayang diri kau dulu. And stop having like thousand crush, syed shamim aku punya! After thus find a good friend tau. And, remember family always come first, remember! U told me once :)
Be a good daughter to ur mum, remember u told me u wanna buy ur mum a house! Dont ever ever ever ever give up. And tolong tolong tolonggggggggg rendahkan ego, and belajar lipat kain please. Ohmygod. Seriously u need a teacher for that. ( nak belajar dr aku satu kain rm 1000 ) and yeah, boys. Remember wtv it is, u need to tell me everything or jgn ckp dgn aku!!!!!! Ahhahahaha banyak lagi pesanan aku but tk pe kita simpan dulu. Ahahhahahahaahahha aku kan suka bebel! Mauahahahhahaha
Selamat hari lahir, norsyafina anita bt zaulkifli. 28.9.2016
Ikhlas ur cutest best friend, qehah comel.